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SV-29b "HOT TUB FEVER" (12 1/2 mins.)

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SV-29b  "HOT TUB FEVER"   (12 1/2 mins.)
SV-29b  "HOT TUB FEVER"   (12 1/2 mins.) SV-29b  "HOT TUB FEVER"   (12 1/2 mins.) SV-29b  "HOT TUB FEVER"   (12 1/2 mins.)
Golden Girls Talent:   Dianne vs Leslie
Price: $9.50

 This encounter occurs on the beach with a volleyball game between Dianne in a stunning pink and black bikini and blonde Leslie, wearing a grey sweatsuit.  "George", the husband seems to be making love to both of these beach queens and in a flash the two girls are on the same side of the net struggling for their lives.  They roll on the molten sand tearing each others tops away.  As the bottoms are then disposed of, Leslie attempts to run from Dianne down the long beach but the black-haired beauty catches her, drags her back to the court and the fight starts all over again.  The ending follows when the dominant winner smashes the spent loser's head again and again against the sandy beach as she straddles the poor girl into an emotion-filled loss.

Time: 12 1/2 minutes / 91.9 Mb / Format .mp4

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