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SV-24b "ROOMMATES" (17 1/2 mins.)

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SV-24b  "ROOMMATES"   (17 1/2 mins.)
SV-24b  "ROOMMATES"   (17 1/2 mins.) SV-24b  "ROOMMATES"   (17 1/2 mins.) SV-24b  "ROOMMATES"   (17 1/2 mins.) SV-24b  "ROOMMATES"   (17 1/2 mins.) SV-24b  "ROOMMATES"   (17 1/2 mins.)
Golden Girls Talent:   Pam vs Linda
Price: $12.00

 This match begins with Lisa, Pam and Linda discussing the fact that they are such good friends and roommates that they never have had an argument.  They wonder what would happen if they did argue and the dream sequence of all three fights follows.  In the second fight it's Pam and Linda.  The action is fast and tough with plenty of breast grabbing and sexy shots.

Time: 17 1/2 minutes / 128.1 Mb / Format .mp4

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