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FB-101b "FANTASY BATTLES" (16 mins.)

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FB-101b  "FANTASY BATTLES"  (16 mins.)
FB-101b  "FANTASY BATTLES"  (16 mins.) FB-101b  "FANTASY BATTLES"  (16 mins.) FB-101b  "FANTASY BATTLES"  (16 mins.) FB-101b  "FANTASY BATTLES"  (16 mins.) FB-101b  "FANTASY BATTLES"  (16 mins.) FB-101b  "FANTASY BATTLES"  (16 mins.)
Golden Girls Talent:   Elsa vs Holly
Price: $9.75

  Elsa, the beautiful Latin "Spitfire" takes on exotic Holly in an apartment house setting. The scene opens with these two bikini clad beauties in a heated argument. Their living room erupts into a raging battleground as hair is pulled from its roots, faces and fannies slapped, breasts are mauled, and bodies are twisted and turned into outrageously painful positions. Finally a humiliated loser is left laying torn and defenseless.

Time: 16 minutes / 118.2 Mb / Format .mp4

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