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GGC-101c "OUTSIDE OIL" (17 mins.)

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GGC-101c  "OUTSIDE OIL"   (17 mins.)
GGC-101c  "OUTSIDE OIL"   (17 mins.) GGC-101c  "OUTSIDE OIL"   (17 mins.) GGC-101c  "OUTSIDE OIL"   (17 mins.) GGC-101c  "OUTSIDE OIL"   (17 mins.) GGC-101c  "OUTSIDE OIL"   (17 mins.) GGC-101c  "OUTSIDE OIL"   (17 mins.)
Golden Girls Talent:   Terri vs Kelly
Price: $10.75

 Tough and tawny newcomer, Terri, in a red striped bikini shows blue bikinied Kelly what hot oil wrestling is all about.  This titanic struggle is between two tough and athletic girls and Terri will surprise you with her gym hardened and athletic body and grim determination.  Every part of their beautiful bodies is accentuated by the exotic oil as these beauties give female fighting fans an unusual treat.

Time: 17 minutes / 124.8 Mb / Format .mp4

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