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FB-110 "SWEET CREAM" (29 mins.)

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FB-110  "SWEET CREAM"   (29 mins.)
FB-110  "SWEET CREAM"   (29 mins.) FB-110  "SWEET CREAM"   (29 mins.) FB-110  "SWEET CREAM"   (29 mins.) FB-110  "SWEET CREAM"   (29 mins.) FB-110  "SWEET CREAM"   (29 mins.) FB-110  "SWEET CREAM"   (29 mins.)
Golden Girls Talent:   Brandy,Charise and Elsa
Price: $15.50

 Three sensationally gorgeous girls dressed in cocktail dresses, garter belts, silk stockings, and high heel pumps prepare for a large banquet.  Ultimately a battle erupts and their expensive cloths are ruthlessly smeared with baked beans, ketchup, mustard, and over 40 cream pies!  Gallons of chocolate syrup drench these beauties as they continue to rip away one another's messed-up dresses and undergarments.....exposing beautiful breasts and intimate body parts. Brandy, Charise, and Elsa, (the three gorgeous girls) slip and slide their glistening nude bodies throughout this sensually gooey banquet!  This is a definite DVD to add to your collection!!!

Time: 29 minutes / 187.6 Mb / Format .mp4

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