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SV-21b "SLAUGHTER FOR STEVEN" (29 mins.)

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SV-21b  "SLAUGHTER FOR STEVEN"   (29 mins.)
SV-21b  "SLAUGHTER FOR STEVEN"   (29 mins.) SV-21b  "SLAUGHTER FOR STEVEN"   (29 mins.) SV-21b  "SLAUGHTER FOR STEVEN"   (29 mins.) SV-21b  "SLAUGHTER FOR STEVEN"   (29 mins.) SV-21b  "SLAUGHTER FOR STEVEN"   (29 mins.) SV-21b  "SLAUGHTER FOR STEVEN"   (29 mins.) SV-21b  "SLAUGHTER FOR STEVEN"   (29 mins.)
Golden Girls Talent:   Belinda Bell vs Bridgett
Price: $19.00

"Featuring Belinda Bell (owner Steel Kittens) completely nude !"
     Beautiful Belinda Bell meets blonde Bridgett in the bedroom of their apartment.  One girl has just wrecked the other's new car and you can imagine what follows.  The fight is feminine and furious and they roll from bed to floor trying to gain an advantage.  As the camera rolls on, the battle becomes bare and these young bodies are engaged in a test of strength that intensifies as it nears its dramatic end.  About a minute before this one ended we almost jumped in to stop this battle, as it looked like one girl was going to seriously disable the other.  You'll thrill at the body to body contact and the violence of the female species.  No sounds were dubbed in this fight and the screams are as real as the beautiful video images in this action packed video.

Time: 29 minutes / 212.4 Mb / Format .mp4

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