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GGC-80b "MIXED MISERY" (15 1/2 mins.)

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GGC-80b  "MIXED MISERY"   (15 1/2 mins.)
GGC-80b  "MIXED MISERY"   (15 1/2 mins.) GGC-80b  "MIXED MISERY"   (15 1/2 mins.) GGC-80b  "MIXED MISERY"   (15 1/2 mins.) GGC-80b  "MIXED MISERY"   (15 1/2 mins.) GGC-80b  "MIXED MISERY"   (15 1/2 mins.) GGC-80b  "MIXED MISERY"   (15 1/2 mins.)
Golden Girls Talent:   Mike vs Elsa
Price: $11.00

 Mike takes on our Golden Girl's Champion, the fiery Elsa in a red bikini.  Elsa matches Mike's strength and over matches him in desire.  This bout is as real of a mixed match as you will ever see, with plenty of holds and even some dirty moves on each combatant's part.  Mike seems to underestimate the busty Elsa, and Elsa constantly reminds him that she can dish it out like a man.

Time: 15 1/2 minutes / 115.4 Mb / Format .mp4

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