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GGC-101a "OUTSIDE OIL" (15 1/2 mins.)

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GGC-101a  "OUTSIDE OIL"   (15 1/2 mins.)
GGC-101a  "OUTSIDE OIL"   (15 1/2 mins.) GGC-101a  "OUTSIDE OIL"   (15 1/2 mins.) GGC-101a  "OUTSIDE OIL"   (15 1/2 mins.) GGC-101a  "OUTSIDE OIL"   (15 1/2 mins.)
Golden Girls Talent:   Sue vs Nancy
Price: $10.50

 Gorgeous blonde Sue, in a violet bikini, tangles with svelte and blue bikinied Nancy.  These two slip and slide in our outdoor oil pit, and the intense struggle drapes both girls over the edge of the pit many times.  Even though it is difficult to keep a hold in the oil, these two aggressive blondes manage to truly torment each other with painful tricks.  Hair pulling and body smothering wrecks one girl and then policewoman Kelly checks the action.

Time: 15 1/2 minutes / 113 Mb / Format .mp4

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