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GGC-138b "PULVERIZING PROS" (15 1/2 mins.)

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GGC-138b  "PULVERIZING PROS"   (15 1/2 mins.)
GGC-138b  "PULVERIZING PROS"   (15 1/2 mins.) GGC-138b  "PULVERIZING PROS"   (15 1/2 mins.) GGC-138b  "PULVERIZING PROS"   (15 1/2 mins.) GGC-138b  "PULVERIZING PROS"   (15 1/2 mins.) GGC-138b  "PULVERIZING PROS"   (15 1/2 mins.) GGC-138b  "PULVERIZING PROS"   (15 1/2 mins.)
Golden Girls Talent:   Marie LaVerne vs Kay Noble
Price: $10.50

 The two pros go at it in an action packed single match.  Kay has always been known as Girl Wrestling's most high-flying participant and shows Marie, famous in the 70's for being wrestling's most beautiful girl, why she has earned the reputation.  Almost exhausted from their tag team match, these two go for almost eighteen minutes to see which seasoned pro really is the better woman.  Nowhere will you see as beautiful amateurs with just their own egos at stake.  A definite must for every serious collector of the finest in female combat.

Time: 15 1/2 minutes / 114.9 Mb / Format .mp4

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