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GGC-207b "BELT BUSTERS" (16 mins.)

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GGC-207b  "BELT BUSTERS"   (16 mins.)
GGC-207b  "BELT BUSTERS"   (16 mins.) GGC-207b  "BELT BUSTERS"   (16 mins.) GGC-207b  "BELT BUSTERS"   (16 mins.) GGC-207b  "BELT BUSTERS"   (16 mins.)
Golden Girls Talent:   Leora vs Sheran
Price: $11.50 $10.00

 This match features the long awaited CHAMPIONSHIP BELT MATCH between Leora, the reigning champion, and her surprising challenger Sharon, the cute all-American "girl next door".  Leora, clad in a steel bikini, removes the belt and shows her ring expertise!  Sharon in a white flowered bikini, may be short on knowledge but is long on desire as they fly from pillar to post!  Even the referee, Cindy, has a hard time keeping up with the nonstop action which includes airplane spins, mares throws, arm locks, step-over-toe holds, head to post banging and lots of other professional holds.  One tough warrior is actually thrown out of the ring and re-enters in a most painful way!  Will Leora keep the belt?  This bout ends in a pin.... but,... which girl wins?  Buy it... and see!!

Time: 16 minutes / 117 Mb / Format .mp4

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