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GGC-171c "INTRODUCING A KILLER" (9 1/2 mins.)

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GGC-171c  "INTRODUCING A KILLER"   (9 1/2 mins.)
GGC-171c  "INTRODUCING A KILLER"   (9 1/2 mins.) GGC-171c  "INTRODUCING A KILLER"   (9 1/2 mins.) GGC-171c  "INTRODUCING A KILLER"   (9 1/2 mins.) GGC-171c  "INTRODUCING A KILLER"   (9 1/2 mins.)
Golden Girls Talent:   Pepper LaBianco vs Golden Cat
Price: $7.50

 This bout shows off experienced long dark haired Pepper LaBianco in a zebra outfit versus Golden Cat in a black body suit.  This fierce fight gets out of hand and the ladies eventually don't act like such.  Mean stomps, face gouging and fistfights soon replace all of the scientific holds as these two pros actually get mad at each other.  A missed dropkick weakens and dazes one girl who is finished by a perfect bottoms up pin.  If you like pretty pros then this DVD is for you..

Time: 9 1/2 minutes / 70.8 Mb / Format .mp4

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